About Me

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Hello, I’m Erica Chang, having an identical twin sister that people can hardly tell us apart! I'm now a college student in NCCU, Taiwan. I love playing all kind of sports especially table tennis and I will describe myself as an adventurous seeker. I love Japanese culture and I am obsessed with Arashi, my favorite Japanese group, hope to bring more joys to the world just like them. A Shopaholic and totally addicted to shoes, consider it the soul of women and the most wonderful thing on earth. Friendly and willing to meet new friends!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


It has been over a month since I started working in "Enspyre", but life only gets busier and busier. Our "book project" is totally an meaningful and interesting one. But takes a lot of efforts to collect all the needed information.

I'm always thinking of doing things perfectly. I'm totally a perfectionist....
I have stayed up late for the past few weeks and will definite keep on, since  midterm week is coming.

Being a perfectionist is a way of torturing, you never stop until you done everything perfectly. And you never regard yourself of being perfect and only getting yourself more and more stressed.
But deep insight your heart what really meant to you? People's approval? apploud?

What are you thinking?
What am I thinking?

I felt really depressed in the past few days, until I met this song.

I love P!nk. The song is awesome, touching and inspiring.
Just be yourself, you are f**kin' perfect.

And I feel energetic and relieve every time I listen to it.
Hope anyone with the same problem can feel that, too.

1 comment:

  1. HI
    I think that your blog is really good, and your intern is good too.
    I’m also a little perfectionist, so I can understand what you feel now. Because I want things be perfect, so I would not let myself have too many jobs at same time. I think maybe you can let go something to avoid too busy.
