About Me

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Hello, I’m Erica Chang, having an identical twin sister that people can hardly tell us apart! I'm now a college student in NCCU, Taiwan. I love playing all kind of sports especially table tennis and I will describe myself as an adventurous seeker. I love Japanese culture and I am obsessed with Arashi, my favorite Japanese group, hope to bring more joys to the world just like them. A Shopaholic and totally addicted to shoes, consider it the soul of women and the most wonderful thing on earth. Friendly and willing to meet new friends!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Interview skills

Last weekend, we got our feedback from my boss about the previous interview.

1.      Not in the situation.
This is a really tough one. I won’t making any excuse because I didn’t really prepared myself well but so did others, except for our foreign teammates who have a lot of experiences on interviewing people.

2.      Lack participation
It seems that smiling and nodding wasn’t useful. Even I have tried hard to do that, they still don’t think that I took it serious. Just because I don’t record every word I heard? No comments!!!

3.      Asking questions in an evenly order
Well, the foreign teammates were leading the interview and I didn’t really get the time to ask question. And I'm not sure would that be rude to interrupt their conversation?

Anyway, the purpose of the interview is to help us to, first, get the stories in order to support the paragraph we wrote. For instance, the story can be put as an intriguing opening or interesting substances which blow the boring content away.

Second, we should learn to be strong to lead the situation, to control the flow of the interview instead of being controlled by the interviewers.

And this week instead of group interview, we have to do it in person!
In order to help myself to get prepared to fight for this week’s BIG challenge, I search some information on the Internet:
1.      Student Interview Guide:
2.      Interviewing someone important:

If anyone is also interested in that, you can click the link and have a check!
Good luck, and please cross your fingers for me. :s


  1. Hi:)
    Thanks a lot for posting so much useful information on your blog!
    I love browsing your blog, and I really learn a lot from it.
    And, Interviewing REALLY matters a lot when you aplly to a job!

    Hope both of us could find the jobs we want in the future!


  2. It's really useful! Thanks for sharing~
    I've encountered the awkward situations several times just like what you mentioned (but not in interviews), so I know the awful feeling… I’ll try the tips which the websites offer when I need to do something like interview. Thanks again and hope you already have a nice result of your big challenge.
