About Me

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Hello, I’m Erica Chang, having an identical twin sister that people can hardly tell us apart! I'm now a college student in NCCU, Taiwan. I love playing all kind of sports especially table tennis and I will describe myself as an adventurous seeker. I love Japanese culture and I am obsessed with Arashi, my favorite Japanese group, hope to bring more joys to the world just like them. A Shopaholic and totally addicted to shoes, consider it the soul of women and the most wonderful thing on earth. Friendly and willing to meet new friends!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Interview skills

Last weekend, we got our feedback from my boss about the previous interview.

1.      Not in the situation.
This is a really tough one. I won’t making any excuse because I didn’t really prepared myself well but so did others, except for our foreign teammates who have a lot of experiences on interviewing people.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Last Saturday, we went through an interview with Chris, the curator of TEDxMonga, and J.P. Actually it went more smoothly than I had  expected. But it sucked that I just behaved like a moving dummy, nodding, smiling and saying nothing other than nonsense! I was so upset about behaving like this in front of these two BIG guests. And I know there is little chance to meet the two gentlemen in the future. : (
I’m so angry about myself, hate to be so stupid and lack of competence and even the ability of expressing myself. Anyway, like I said it’s a shocking journey, you never know what you lack of until you bump into it. At least it proves that we still have lots of things to learn and plenty of room to growth.